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Inscription le 17 / 09 / 2024
Dernières activités de jemiba4709
17 septembre 2024
A ajouté un avis commenté :

The purpose of this initiative is to integrate a section of Rue Caroline Aigle and the retention basin into the metropolitan public road domain, as part of the Bordeaux Aéroparc Metropolitan Interest Operation. This aims to create a new road between the Caroline Aigle business parks in Haillan and Vert Castel 2 in Mérignac, contributing to the overall improvement of mobility in this important economic sector. It also involves the acquisition of the southern road by Bordeaux Métropole, while the northern road remains privately owned free iq test with instant results


17 septembre 2024

17 septembre 2024
a rejoint la communauté
Participations en cours
Toutes les participations
Classement d’office et plans d’alignement – Parcelles cadastrales situées Allée du Capitaine et Allée des Chanterelles (Villenave d’Ornon)